Thursday, August 20, 2009

Should be without it. " She produced a small vial and tossed it to my bodyguard. "Rub some onto your upper lip just.

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Him his eyes wide. "What?" "Warg. Shapechanger. Beastling. That is what they will call ~ou if they should ever hear of your wolf dreams. " The names made him afraid again. "Who will call me?" "Your own folk. In fear. Some will hate you if they know what you are. Some will even try to kill you. " Old Nan told scary stories of beastlings and shapechangers sometimes. In the stories they were always evil. "I'm not like that " Bran said. "I'm not. It's only dreams. " "The wolf dreams are no true dreams. You have your eye closed tight whenever you're awake but as you drift off it flutters open and your soul seeks out its other half. The power is strong in you. " "I don't want it. I want to be a knight. " "A knight is what you want. A warg is what you are. You can't change that Bran you can't deny it or push it away. You are the winged wolf but you.
certify certify certify certify alien putthefinishingtoucheson certify certify B B

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